Saturday, May 21, 2011

Akiza Izinski

Jack had worked with the hologram company for a while now. All he had to do was put on a suit, and turn into someone else using the hologram technology. By now, he realized it was way more than a fancy computer and cameras, your body would physically change into whatever the suit was programmed for. It was a pretty easy job, and the pay was decent. The medical and dental plans are…nonexistent. If it was any other job, Jack would have left and found another by now. The thing that kept him coming back was the thrill of the transformation.

For his next gig, he was supposed to play a card game to promote some sort of convention. Jack knew by now that when the words “fan” and “convention” came up in a job description, he was going to be turned into a ridiculously attractive girl from some video game or anime. How else could he gain the attention of thousands of nerdy boys?

Eventually, he found out he would be Akiza Izinski from the Yu-Gi-Oh series. He looked over a few pictures and was glad that he wasn’t going to be half-naked. For the next few weeks, he spent time learning how she walked and talked. Thankfully he didn’t have to learn the card game; it looked really complicated. The company had a plan for how the game was going to play out, and they were going to let the new guy win. Like Jack when he first joined, the new guy had no idea that he was going to be transformed. People would get scared and chicken out if they knew what the company could really do…

Because Jack had worked with the company for so long, they gave Jack with a bodysuit that transformed yourself instantly. On the day of the convention, he managed to see the new guy freaking out and various staff trying to explain what happened. Jack decided to help calm the new guy down, and activated his suit right in front of him.

Jack’s body glowed, emitting a dim light. The light grew heavy around his legs, and solidified into elegant, soft legs. As it slid over the rest of his legs, he absorbed the light, expanding his hips and butt. Next it covered his arms. In a flash, it revealed two new feminine arms. The light intensified as it pulled into his body, forcing in the sides of his stomach and pushing out on his chest. Not before long, two perky breasts were hanging from his chest. Slowly, the light drifted to his face, forming a sphere around his head. Red beams of light jutted out of the sphere and turned into silky locks of hair. When the rest of the light cleared, his face was completely different and much more feminine.

Red, hazy light pulsed from the center of her body, growing more solid as it formed itself into a dress. A similar white light appeared next, and turned into a white blouse. Its shoulders puffed out as a final red light was emitted, quickly materializing into a red overcoat. Light covered her arms as long, black tights covered her long, slender arms and legs. In a quick red flash, her necklace and shoes appeared while her hair fixed itself.

This transformation didn’t help the new guy at all. “Akiza” sighed, put on her duel-disk and got ready to go on stage.


  1. Nice caption. Looking forward to more from you :)

  2. I like this, I'll have to make sure to check it out more often.

  3. this whole talk about jack reminds me of fight club

  4. Interested to see more. Following along.

  5. Very interesting indeed, also going to have to follow this.

  6. De jav ue, wondering if this is going to tie in with the last one

  7. Great post, interesting read - well written and makes me wantto see what happens next!

  8. You should consider writing for Kindle.

  9. You're a really good writer, definitely gonna follow you =)

  10. I need to find out where I can get my hands on one of these hologram suits.

  11. ^^amen brother, what I wouldn't do for one of those.

  12. I like your writing style.
    Glad to see you're putting yourself out there.
    Plus I'm a fan of the old TV show.. Haven't played the card game in ages.

  13. Awesome captions, definitely checking back.

  14. very interesting plus the pic is kinda cute xD

  15. i love it. going to follow you now

  16. Great Caption and I perfect picture!
